Sunday, September 10, 2006

My Top 3 lists of Musts for Business Set-ups

It has been some weeks since my last (and first) entry in this blog. So many things have developed in my businesses lately (will tell you more about this eventually)that kept me from writing for this blog. However, I thought to stop the gap, I can begin by making some lists (much faster to compose) that could be of help to other would be or already entrepreneurs.

I hope this helps you.

1. - Great portal to keep in mind. It almost has everything you need to learn about starting up. You'll find current business news, links to suppliers, opportunities to advertise, articles from business gurus, download e-books.

2. DTI Website - This is probably the first site you should visit when you plan to start a business in the Philippines. Find out what industries are on the Philippine governments priority plan. Learn the How to of registration, Know the business laws, training schedules given by the government and millions of other things.

3. Entreprenuer Philippines - This is also a great resource for ideas, inspirations as well as how to's on Philippine Business. I always refer to this site, when I don't have a hard copy at hand, whenever I need some inspiration from other successful entrepreneurs.

1. MS Office (WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, PUBLISHER)- I don't mean to endorse Microsoft here but we have to admit that this is the most widely used office application. It is quite pricey to get but worth it. Word for all your documentation requirements, Excel for your financial reporting needs, and Powerpoint for your sales and management presentations. If you can also get the Office with MS Publisher in there, I suggest that you do so. MS Publisher will help you for your print media marketing materials as well as help you develop sa simple site to have a presence on the internet.

2. Accounting Software - I have to admit that I don't have one just yet but this is the next software application capital expenditure on my list. I might purchase SIMPLY ACCOUNTING for the sole reason that they took the time to demonstrate and give me an evaluation copy (Hint hint for other accounting software companies out there). We all know that it is necessary that we get the right picture for our company at any given time. So make sure that you budget this software at the first stage of your business set-up.

3. Web Browser Software and Internet Access - We all probably know why we need this. Any browser software will do.

1. Company Name, Identity, and Presence on the Web - Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and read. Of course there is more to choosing a name than just that, but make sure those two things are considered. After this, choose a color, font style, symbol for you company. The universe must be able to identify the words that make up your company name to the product or service you provide.

It is also imperative to have web presence. You don't know how much you are missing if you aren't on there. We have to realize that business is global therefore we have to have somewhere to refer people to if they need to know more about our business. Wherever they are in the world, they can easily find you.

If you can't have a domain name yet, although it is very very cheap to have, make sure you have an email address at the least. Opening communications through email is top priority.

2. Marketing Point Person - I don't mean to hire some marketing guru to do your marketing activities for you. I'm saying, identify someone, may that be a hiree or one of the owners, to take the lead in the marketing activities. I say that it is necessary to have a point person for marketing because all marketing efforts must be cohesive and aligned with each other.

3. Marketing Force - You can't do it alone so you need forces to help you. Forces can be people (of course), and email forces like the email groups, Finally your acquaintance forces. Make sure your friends, family and colleagues know about your business for sure that at least one of them would be able to give you a good client or two.

That is it for now on my top 3 lists. Perhaps my next entry will be an article instead of this. But come to think of it, this entry has expounded beyond a list.

Monday, July 03, 2006


The past week has just been a bombardment of inquiries. But these aren't just any inquiries. These are all inquiries from friends asking about what kind of business they can get into. I would usually reply jokingly with "Given the current Philippine Economic situation, how about some monkey business", "Marijuana!" or "Gambling!". But this time, I gave them some serious advise that they actually took to consideration. Hmmm. Oh no! Good Luck friends hope you become successful on your ventures.

Then I got to think. Are these friends thinking of retiring from their 8 to 5 jobs? Do they have some extra savings to put into businesses to augment their current income? Are they looking to divest current business ownerships for something else? Or are those friends simply curious? Nevertheless, any inquiry on business is something I like to brainstorm on.

As an entreprenuer, I experience various things within the companies I own that could be opportunities for making money. With the Philippine's current economic situation, we need entrepreneurs. Not just any entreprenuer, we need "passionate, well informed, guided entreprenuers".

So, in this humble blogspot, I will share what I know (mostly from my personal experiences) so that Filipinos or anyone who would like to do business in the Philippines would learn from what I have already learned -- which isn't much but I hope it will help.

Good Luck in your Business venture and welcome to Filipino Business Sense.